How To Start A Website To Make Money As Digital Nomad Traveling

In this article, you’ll learn 5 easy steps on how to start a blog or a website as a Digital Nomad Traveling, and working remotely from anywhere in the world with Bluehost, Siteground, A2 Hosting, and WPEngine that will make you money and create passive income online.

Have you spent hours searching online endlessly on “how to become a blogger”, “how do you make money blogging”, “how to start a website as a Digital Nomad traveling”, “how to start a blog”, and “how to make money with a blog for beginners”? 

Disclosure: This article contains Paid Advertisement Affiliate Links through Bluehost.

Then these 5 easy steps on how to start a blog or a website as a Digital Nomad traveling will definitely help you as it is a comprehensive guide for beginners with a simple step-by-step setup process and tutorials for creating a website with BluehostWPEngine, A2 Hosting, and Siteground.

How To Start A Blog To Make Money How To Become A Blogger Jadore SEO J'adore SEO

Read more 5 blogging steps below so that you can easily create a blog.  I’ve also added a table of content so you can easily navigate the right information you’re looking for.


Table of Contents

How To Start A Blog To Make Money Online?  How To Create A Website As A Digital Nomad Traveling & Working Remotely?


Why You Should Create A Blog (Website) & Become A Digital Nomad?

Having a successful blog or website and becoming a blogger and digital nomad allows you to express your creative freedom, provide value and solutions, and generate a passive income forever (potentially). 

I have always enjoyed inspiring or helping people to start a blog (website) and achieve their goals.  One of your dreams might be to create a new website and to start blogging for business. 

However, I know how you feel right now, yes, I get it, you’re overwhelmed by the amount of information you’ve read online.  I was exactly in the same position as you when I first started setting up my websites (I have more than one website).

This is why I am extremely passionate and dedicated to sharing my tips with you and all the things I have learned since I started creating multiple websites.

Let me share with you first what my passions are, so you can get an idea for your own chosen blog topics. Otherwise, if you don’t want to read this section, you can simply skip straight to Step One.

Sharing my passions with you will also help you understand why I am putting so much time and effort into helping people. 

My passions in life are the following (most of these topics are amalgamated in this website and others have been created in separate blogs): –

  • Creating a website
  • Blogging
  • Affiliate Marketing
  • Content Marketing
  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
  • Career
  • Online Business
  • Dropshipping
  • E-commerce
  • Reading
  • Writing
  • Photography
  • Filmmaking
  • Sharing Knowledge & Wisdom
  • Helping Others
  • Inspiring People
  • Fashion / Style / Beauty
  • Dancing / Fitness
  • Eating / Cooking
  • Traveling / Learning New Cultures
  • Paris (One of my favorite cities)
  • Living A Chic & Simple Life

My passions allow me to create multiple niche websites, create content, provide value, share my knowledge and wisdom with the world, create my own freedom, and generate a passive income. 

I’m not going to sugarcoat that blogging is an easy job or an easy way to make money because we simply just write and post photos about anything. 

It takes a ton of effort, time, and dedication to run a blog or website.  Let alone doing a lot of keyword researching, topics, curating visually appealing images, and even being consistent and constantly motivated are always a struggle. 

Well, there are pros and cons to blogging or online business.  Before I go further into it let’s start by following this simple step-by-step guide on how to start a blog. 


5 Easy Steps on How To Start A Blog To Make Money Online As A Digital Nomad Traveling


Step 1: Choose Your Blog Topic Or Multiple Topics That You’re Passionate About.  Unleash Your Ideas!

1.1 Blog Niche Ideas

If you want to start a blog (website), I suggest brainstorming your interests so you can easily select your blog topics.  There is no limitation in choosing a blog topic.  

Choosing a topic or multiple topics based on your passions or the things that you’re interested in for your website is crucial even before creating a blog.  This is because your blog topic should at least have a relationship with your domain name (though, not necessary). 

Unless, of course, if you decide to select a random quirky, and artsy domain name that’s completely unique, unheard of or has no meaning at all (which is also fine as that helps make your online identity uniquely yours). 

Otherwise, you could also use your full name as your website or brand name so you’re not limited to a particular topic.

I can give you some examples of some of the topics of my blogs/websites that I created thus far: – 

My first website

When I first created my website, it was about Career, Work, and Getting A Job related to my old career.  That site is all about sharing my tips and knowledge about how to achieve in that work field, how to get a job in that field, and what it’s like working in that field.  To this day, I still update the blog from time to time but it has since been managed by my own virtual assistants so I can focus on my other online businesses including my travel and lifestyle website.  

My second website/online store

Another blog that I also created which is still up and running to this day is related to Packing List, Fashion, & Travel Accessories.  In that blog, I create content and write about an informative list of things to pack and wear for traveling to different destinations. 

Since I have been traveling on and off for the last 13 years, I have been sharing all my tips when it comes to packing, what to wear, and other travel-related items. 

In that blog, I also sell some of my own dropshipping products in direct partnership with my suppliers. 

That blog is also mostly managed by my virtual assistants while I still occasionally contribute to writing blog posts. 

My third website

Another blog/e-commerce online store that I also created is about beauty and hair care. 

That blog and online store shares tips and reviews about beauty and hair care products, as well as selling my own hair products in direct partnership with my supplier in a form of dropshipping. 

Both my virtual assistants and I manage that site to keep it up and running.

My fourth website

Another site that I created with A2 Hosting is about health and mostly product reviews related to health.  I still manage that blog, however, due to limited time, my virtual assistants are now fully managing that.

My fifth website

And then the last blog (website) is a  fashion, lifestyle, and travel blog with A2 Hosting, which is mostly managed by me, and occasionally I have contributors and virtual assistants that work with me to keep this lifestyle blog up and running, too. 

On this website, I share mostly about fashion, beauty, decor, lifestyle, travel, and my love for Paris, and the Parisian style. 

Here in this blog, I also share all my knowledge and wisdom about life experiences, career, relationships, wellness, blogging, online business, dropshipping, and all other surrounding inspirational things that have given me so much courage and inspiration in life.  

This website is also an e-commerce online store where I also sell my own products and services. 

This blog is not completely focused on one related topic but it contains multiple topics categorized in different sections so I can inspire others and provide value and solutions.

This is where most of my focus will be for a long time, as I aim to grow this website to the next level where I can inspire more people and build a bigger community.  

In case you were wondering why I called it “Paris Chic Style”?  First of all, “Paris” represents my love for Paris, and traveling the world which you’ll find that I’ll be sharing all of my past and present travel experiences in different cities, and countries here on this website. 

“Chic” represents my overall taste in fashion and chic style.  This includes the way I dress elegantly in colorful outfits whilst showing you the world and sharing all my how-to-wear with different pieces and fashion tips. 

This also includes showcasing different chic and timeless pieces that go well with my style and personality. 

“Chic” also represents how I can get so playful and flirtatious with own clothes I wear whether it be classy, edgy, feminine, elegant, colorful, monochrome, or sophisticated. “Chic” to me also represents how I exude class, femininity, and elegant style.

And then “Style” represents an expression of my unique personality, how I live a passionate, simple, and chic lifestyle.

“Chic Style” both intertwine but it has lots of deeper meaning to every individual. 

“Style” to me does not only mean fashion or having a great sense of style but for me, it’s my attitude, and how I express my opinions and show the world who I am both on the outside and in spirit. 

And you should not confuse style with fashion, because with fashion it’s the clothes we wear.  A style is mostly in the wearer, how that person shows self-confidence, being comfortable in their own skin, and not caring about what others think of them.  

Moreover, “Style” to me also represents my own unique identity in how I carry myself, being courageous, classy, and bold in the way I dress, the way I speak, the way I express myself, and the way I help and encourage others. 

And most importantly, “Style” to me also means how I inspire and help other people, how I share my wisdom and knowledge, and the way I provide educational information and value so people can learn and gain benefit from me.  

My sixth and seventh blogs/websites, and e-commerce

I’m currently creating two new blogs and e-commerce with a new business partner with Siteground. We are still at an infant stage in building new content and products.

These have also taken up some of my time.

I am always working almost 24/7 even up until just before I shower, brush my teeth, and go to bed. And then this work mode goes on a repeat process from the moment I wake up at 6 or 7 am.

I hope this first step has finally given you some insightful knowledge and ideas on choosing your website topics by now, I apologize that this was explained and written quite long.

1.2. Can you imagine yourself learning and writing about your chosen niche or topics forever?

Now, imagine if you can create content on the topics that you’re passionate about for the foreseeable future.  

This tool and this online software allow you to search keywords that are relevant to your blog niche to blog topics that you would like to create.

You would be surprised how valuable your content would be to others who are also finding solutions to their problems and just simply those people who happen to have the same interests as you will eventually be a part of your own online community.  

I’d like to remind you that whatever topic you choose, you need to really love it, and, of course, always be eager to learn more about it, too. 

Otherwise, if you’re not so interested in the topics you chose, you’ll easily get bored, and you will run out of ideas to blog or write about. 

Most importantly, you won’t be able to produce and write consistent content in order to grow your website and build an organic audience.

1.3. Keyword Research About Your Blog Niche Or Blog Topics

If you just really want to focus on a specific niche topic, try doing some keyword research here and here first on different phrases to see how broad or competitive your niche topic is.

I always use this trusted keyword research tool to check the broadness, and competitiveness of my topic whenever I pick a topic to write a blog post or even before setting up a new blog. 

I also can’t live without using this keyword research tool before even writing a blog post.  This SEO and marketing tool really helps my blog posts curate, optimize better, and increase my search engine optimization, and Google ranking. 

However, if you’re still confused and undecided about the topics of your blog, then, why not start a lifestyle website?  A lifestyle blog (website) is basically just a multi-topic blog in which each topic will just have to be categorized in a menu or section. 

For example, you can write about health, fitness, fashion, travel, interior decor, work, relationships, finance, and the list goes on.

Whenever I get asked about what blog topics to write about for beginners, I always suggest choosing a lifestyle blog if you find yourself with multiple passions. 

I can never focus on a specific niche topic because I get bored easily, plus I enjoy learning and writing about the things that I am interested in.  


How To Become A Blogger And Make Money As A Digital Nomad?

Step 2: Register Your Web Hosting With Your Domain Name

2.1. How To Choose Your Blog Domain Name?

I hope you’ve already chosen your domain name or blog name by now. A domain name is basically registering your URL which is an address for your blog that should be the same name as your website.  Think of a URL as your Street Address.   

This is the fun part and crucial step because your domain or blog name (URL) is basically your brand.  It’s how you’ll be known and remembered by your audience.

I also suggest that you must first check if the blog name you chose is available across social media handles e.g: Instagram, Pinterest, and Facebook

E.g: my domain name is and all my social media names are also @bloggingluxe which is exactly the same as my domain name.  Having a consistent name between your blog and social media will make it easier for your audience to find you.

The most important thing is not to overthink finding yourself a blog name.  The key is to start taking action and start gaining momentum.

A domain name will usually cost you roughly $10/year, but the good thing is that Bluehost offers a free domain name plus a discount once you register your hosting with your domain name at an affordable price with them.

Use this practice when registering a domain name: –

  • Choose a “.com” domain when possible because it’s easier to remember and plus it’s known worldwide for a standard blog or website.  
  • I usually try to avoid numbers or hyphens in my domain name because it doesn’t really account for good SEO.  On top of that, it will just confuse people and it will make it harder to remember for the majority.  
  • Try to pick a memorable and short domain name, preferably a maximum of 2-4 words.  Otherwise, if you choose a very long domain name e.g: is just way too long and it might be hard for others to remember.  
  • If you can think of a one-word domain name that’s even better but these days it’s really hard to get a one-word domain name.
  • Otherwise, you could even use your first and last name e.g: as your domain name, and consider it as a lifestyle blog, if you’ve finally decided that you won’t stick to a specific topic.  

2.2. Register your Web Hosting with your Domain Name

This is where the actual fun part begins.  Are you ready?  Get Ready!!

You need to register your web hosting and domain name in order to keep your blog up and running right from the start of creating the blog.  

A web hosting is a service that allows your blog content to be searched and discovered through the internet.  And a web hosting company is where your content and website data are stored safely and securely. 

Here’s an example, in real life, your house is your web hosting where all of your personal belongings, furniture, clothes, and other things are stored, so this concept is much like your blog content which will be stored by your web hosting.   

Without web hosting, your site won’t be discovered online, and without a domain name, your blog/website won’t have an address.  These two intertwine and they cannot be replaced or separated from each other.

Without web hosting and domain systems in place, your blog/website won’t go live, and you won’t be able to create a blog.

Bluehost is one of the web hosting companies I use for my websites/blogs.  They are also one of the biggest and well-known hosting companies on the market.  

Most importantly, they offer amazing customer service, chat support, email support, and phone support right from the start. 

They also offer the best price with a discount here at an affordable price.  

2.3. How To Register & Set Up Bluehost Hosting & Domain Name For Your Blog?

This step is the most fun part.  Follow my instructions below. 

I am going to walk you through the steps to getting started with your Bluehost registration.  Don’t be intimidated because I have broken it down for you to follow easily.  It might seem daunting but trust me it’s very easy to set up.

2.4 Start Registering Your Blog Hosting Here

Click here and select the “get started now” to select your web hosting plan with your domain nameBluehost is very generous at offering a free domain name, free WordPress Installation, 24/7 Support, Free Site Builders, Free Let’s Encrypt SSL, all free of charge and at a discount as soon as you register for your web hosting.

How to start a blog lifestyle finance travel fashion food blogger fitness health beauty beginners easy tutorial Jadore SEO J'adore

Next, Choose your plan that’s suitable for your blog.  The basic plan is perfect for all types of blogs even as a beginner, otherwise, if you plan to create multiple blogs you have to choose the plus or the prime plans.  It’s entirely up to you.  I personally chose the prime plan.

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Next, you should have decided on your domain name at this stage.  To register your free domain name with Bluehost, just simply type it under the “new domain” field and then click “next”.  Alternatively, if you’ve already purchased your domain somewhere else, you can just type it under the “I have a domain name” field.

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Now you can enter your contact information so you can move on to the next step.

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Next, now select your “package information” section.  If you select the 36 months upfront prepay you will receive a great hosting discount at such a small price. 

Otherwise, if the 36 months upfront payment is too much for you, then you could consider selecting the 12 months upfront payment.  Note that, if you change your mind you can easily cancel within 30 days for a full refund.

The 36 monthly upfront payment is an amazing value because you get a variety of discounts including the Free Let’s Encrypt SSL which is very important to add to your blog for security and trustworthiness. 

And on top of that, you don’t need to worry about renewing your monthly hosting plan because you’re registered for the next 36 months and you will only have to pay again for your next renewal date.

Otherwise, if the 12 or 36 months upfront payment is too much for you, you can also consider A2 Hosting, Siteground, or WP Engine.

How to start a blog lifestyle finance travel fashion food blogger fitness health beauty beginners easy tutorial Jadore SEO J'adore

The “package extras” are not necessary because you can always add those at a later stage once you’ve already started blogging and have published posts.  Also, there are a few free plugins you can also add once you’ve already had your blog set up with WordPress via Bluehost.  

If you don’t want to think about these at a later stage, then you can simply add those extras now as you continue to register your hosting with a domain name.  It’s entirely up to you. 

Now you can enter your billing information to complete your registration.  Agree to the “Terms Of Service” agreement, and then click “submit”.

How to start a blog lifestyle finance travel fashion food blogger fitness health beauty beginners easy tutorial Jadore SEO J'adore

Now you need to choose a strong password for your account.  Please note that before you can log in to your account and Bluehost hosting features, you must create a secure password. 

Also, note that the password you enter and your hosting payment information will be used for your account verification purposes when you need to contact Bluehost for support.  Therefore, you must keep a copy of this information.  

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How to start a blog lifestyle finance travel fashion food blogger fitness health beauty beginners easy tutorial Jadore SEO J'adore

Congratulations! You’re finally registered and have created your secure password at this point by now.  You’re getting closer.  Now click “log in” so you can start familiarizing yourself with WordPress.

How to start a blog lifestyle finance travel fashion food blogger fitness health beauty beginners easy tutorial Jadore SEO J'adore

After logging in, your account opens for the first time.  You will see an option to choose a theme.  If you don’t know what a theme is, it’s basically choosing a design, layout, and structure of how you want your blog to look.  

You can click “Skip This Step” below the offered themes.  You don’t need to select your themes at this stage.  I will show you below how to add your blog theme once we’ve completed setting up your blog.  

The main thing is, we need to complete setting up your blog first before adding a blog theme.  

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And then click “Start Building”Bluehost will automatically install WordPress for your blog which is amazing because they never used to do this before.  They now made everything super user-friendly for beginners and so easy to register hosting and domain because the WordPress platform will automatically be installed once you start building.

When I first started blogging, I had to go through so many technical details and steps, but you’re very lucky because recently, Bluehost implemented this automatic WordPress installation feature to prevent any confusion, frustrations, and headaches for beginners.

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You will then be redirected to this screen below which is your WordPress dashboard.  The front page will say “Welcome to WordPress.  This is where you have to log in once you start customizing your blog design, start writing posts, and publishing your blog posts.

How to start a blog lifestyle finance travel fashion food blogger fitness health beauty beginners easy tutorial Jadore SEO J'adore

In your WordPress dashboard menu, hover on to “Home” and then click that so you can enter your blog/site title and site description and then click the “Launch” and “Next Step”. 

Otherwise, if you’re not ready to launch or to go live, you can select the “Launch” at a later stage, but I suggest clicking this now so you won’t forget later on.  The sooner you launch your blog/site and the sooner you start writing blog posts, the sooner you will start ranking on Google.  I will discuss more on Google ranking and SEO at a later stage.

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How to start a blog lifestyle finance travel fashion food blogger fitness health beauty beginners easy tutorial Jadore SEO J'adore

Yay! Congratulations! You have finally launched your new blog/site.  To get back to your WordPress, you can simply select “Log in to WordPress” so you can start adding your theme design, customize your theme, and start writing your new blog posts.

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Step 3: How To Add A Blog Theme Design, And How To Customize A Blog Theme?

In case you didn’t know what blog or website themes are, it’s basically a website design for your blog or website.

In the past, when the internet just started, there were no out of the box themes. If you had to start blogging or if you had created a website in the past you would have to learn, HTML, CSS code, and all other technical codes in order to build your website from scratch.

Fortunately, these days, you do not need to hire a developer and pay tens of thousands. And you don’t need to learn technical coding to develop or design a blog theme because you can simply buy any themes or blog designs out of the box that is super intuitive and completely customizable.

All the themes that you can get from StudioPress, 17th Avenue Designs, Elegant Themes, BluChic, Thrive Themes, Mojo Marketplace, or Creative Marketplace are customizable. You can literally customize them yourself easily without having to add any technical coding.

There are so many themes or website designs for WordPress that you can choose to add to your blog.  Below is a list of themes that I have personally used across my blogs/websites. 

These themes offer so many designs that are unique, intuitive, user-friendly, extremely fast speed, SEO, and conversion-focused, and catered to your own aesthetic style.

3.1. StudioPress

StudioPress is another theme provider that I love and they’re also my favorite.  I’ve been using two of their themes, the Magazine Pro, and the Niche Pro theme.

How to start a blog lifestyle finance travel fashion food blogger fitness health beauty beginners easy tutorial Best Theme For Blogs Site StudioPress Niche Pro Themes Jadore SEO J'adore

StudioPress themes are powered by Genesis Framework that delivers responsive turnkey designs.  Genesis turnkey designs provide a vast of beautiful frames for your blog and content on HTML5.

How to start a blog lifestyle finance travel fashion food blogger fitness health beauty beginners easy tutorial Best Theme For Blogs Site StudioPress Themes Jadore SEO J'adore

HTML5 is an important built-in code standard because it will make your site compatible with any future changes to the website.  HTML5 also makes your site mobile responsive or mobile-friendly.  

They also offer a child theme, that allows you to update your site without hurting your SEO and search engine rankings.  You could radically change, or update the design and layout of your site every day or every week if you need to, and you won’t have to worry about damaging your search engine rankings.  This is because their design functions are kept separate from the core code. 

How to start a blog lifestyle finance travel fashion food blogger fitness health beauty beginners easy tutorial Best Theme For Blogs Site StudioPress Themes Jadore SEO J'adore

You can also easily customize your blog theme with StudioPress themes without sacrificing the speed of your site.    

StudioPress also offers a unique experience when it comes to adding a design, layout options, and colors to your website. 

All of their themes come with built-in SEO, clean coding, and other amazing features that are vital for the health of your blog.

How to start a blog lifestyle finance travel fashion food blogger fitness health beauty beginners easy tutorial Best Theme For Blogs Site StudioPress Themes Jadore SEO J'adore

They offer some of the most minimalist, chic, professional, and sleek designs the enable you to install the Woocommerce plugin once you’re ready to start selling your own products.

They also offer lifetime customer support.  And once you’re signed up you will become a member of the StudioPress community.

They even offer an account for you to download your themes on demand.  You can also get lifetime access to all of their helpful tutorials. 

How to start a blog lifestyle finance travel fashion food blogger fitness health beauty beginners easy tutorial Best Theme For Blogs Site StudioPress Themes Jadore SEO J'adore

And if you’re stuck with your theme design, you can submit a ticket for one-on-one customer support so their own renowned support team can easily help you with your needs.

Find out here to see some of their amazing and professional themes that you can use for your site.

3.2. 17th Avenue Designs

17th Avenue Designs are my favorite themes.  They are clean, classic, chic, minimalist, and highly SEO optimized themes, designed for lifestyle, fashion, beauty, food, health, decor, and fitness blogs.

They also offer a full package which includes installations and to name a few.

17th Avenue Designs WordPress Blog Theme Blogging Luxe Jadore SEO J'adore Chic Minimalist

3.3. Elegant Themes

One of the best blog themes I’ve used for my other sites is Elegant Themes.  I was really impressed by the active and engaged backend and customer support they have available for everyone. 

In addition to this, I was also amazed by how fast, clean, and user-friendly their themes are.

Elegant Themes have a variety of elegant, sleek, and simple website designs that you can easily add to your blog. 

This theme provider is one of my favorites because all of their themes are responsive, user-friendly, easily customizable, and you can literally design the layout through drag and drop functionality.

How to start a blog lifestyle finance travel fashion food blogger fitness health beauty beginners easy tutorial Best Theme For Blogs Elegant Themes Jadore SEO J'adore

Their blog themes are insanely fast, and incredibly intuitive front-end editor.  When you customize the layout or change anything within your page, everything will be updated instantly in real-time.  You can see it right immediately whatever you’re changing to your site.

How to start a blog lifestyle finance travel fashion food blogger fitness health beauty beginners easy tutorial Best Theme For Blogs Elegant Themes Jadore SEO J'adore

Isn’t that amazing?  No need to learn any technical coding.  Find out here for more information, and different options to choose from.

3.4. Thrive Themes

Thrive Themes is another intuitive, SEO friendly, highly optimized theme with drag and drop features, and is Woocommerce ready.  

You can easily build your website with Thrive Themes with landing pages and many other features such as plugins, headline optimizer, widgets, architect content builder drag and drop features that allow you to easily customize and make any changes in real-time without any coding. 

How to start a blog lifestyle finance travel fashion food blogger fitness health beauty beginners easy tutorial Best Theme For Blogs Thrive Themes Jadore SEO J'adore

Their Thrive Architect is one of the fastest, and most conversions focused visual editor and page builder for WordPress. It’s also a WordPress plugin that adds a true front-end editor to your website. 

This means that whenever you’re making changes to your blog or website, you’re seeing the changes in real-time.  You can also easily click to edit any page in a front-end setting.

You can easily select all of their beautiful themes together with all of the features.  Find out here to see more information

3.5. Bluchic

Bluchic is also my favorite theme provider.  They were one of the first themes I used in my first few blogs.  

Bluchic offers premium feminine WordPress themes for fashion, lifestyle, business, and bloggers.  You’ll find that all of their themes are so chic, clean, feminine, and elegant, with a pastel color palette.  I find that their themes are aesthetically pleasing.

How to start a blog lifestyle finance travel fashion food blogger fitness health beauty beginners easy tutorial Best Theme For Blogs Bluchic Themes Jadore SEO J'adore

Most importantly, all of the Bluchic themes are designed and built with HTML5, CSS3, SEO in mind, microdata, various layout for seamless responsive design, and to make it so much easier for search engines to read the content of your website.  

How to start a blog lifestyle finance travel fashion food blogger fitness health beauty beginners easy tutorial Best Theme For Blogs Bluchic Themes Jadore SEO J'adore

Their coding system is so clean and simple so your website dynamic snippets display will be easier to be found by your potential audience or customers through the search engine, as well as enhancing your google ranking.

Their out of the box themes are super easy to install, customize, and modify according to the taste and design you’re trying to achieve for your site.

How to start a blog lifestyle finance travel fashion food blogger fitness health beauty beginners easy tutorial Best Theme For Blogs Bluchic Themes Jadore SEO J'adore

You can easily modify the layout of your pages to suit your content whether it be static, blog posts, full-width or with a sidebar.  The non-sticky menu can also be applied with no hassle. 

How to start a blog lifestyle finance travel fashion food blogger fitness health beauty beginners easy tutorial Best Theme For Blogs Bluchic Themes Jadore SEO J'adore

A few more extra features are banner ad ready, translation feature, cross-browser compatibility, newsletter signup form, promo boxes, features boxes, Woocommerce ready, social media icons, ability to upload your own logo, different color schemes, and many more.

Find out here to read more features and see a variety of their gorgeous feminine WordPress themes

3.6. Mojo Marketplace

Mojo Marketplace consists of professional designers and developers offering gorgeous and sleek themes, plugins as well as wp live support.  

How to start a blog lifestyle finance travel fashion food blogger fitness health beauty beginners easy tutorial Best Theme For Blogs Mojo Marketplace Themes Jadore SEO J'adore

I also like the fact that at Mojo Marketplace, you’ll find a variety of themes and plugins that might suit your aesthetic style for your blog.  All of their themes are well-made and designed for SEO, are fast, easily integrated, and fully customizable.

Their support is also outstanding, as all theme developers are willing to help and answer your questions related to your chosen theme.  

How to start a blog lifestyle finance travel fashion food blogger fitness health beauty beginners easy tutorial Best Theme For Blogs Mojo Marketplace Themes Jadore SEO J'adore

I’ve also used a few of their themes and plugins for my websites, and I’ve not come across any issues.  In fact, they were willing to help me when I wanted to add some CSS coding to my theme to make further changes.

Their themes are user-friendly, and no coding is required out of the box.  Find out here to see some of their amazing responsive themes

3.7. Creative Market

Creative Market is very much like Mojo Marketplace.

Creative Market is basically an online marketplace that consists of designers and developers selling all types of digital goods such as WordPress Themes, Graphics, Stock Photography, Templates, Fonts, and many more.

How to start a blog lifestyle finance travel fashion food blogger fitness health beauty beginners easy tutorial Best Theme For Blogs Creative Marketplace Themes Jadore SEO J'adore

This is another marketplace that I often use for my products and blogs. They offer so many different options to choose from. All come in various beautiful designs.

How to start a blog lifestyle finance travel fashion food blogger fitness health beauty beginners easy tutorial Best Theme For Blogs Creative Marketplace Themes Jadore SEO J'adore

Developers here have created intuitive, user-friendly and SEO focused themes that are suitable for all types of bloggers.

Their coding is also seamlessly clean, and fast and allows you to fully customize them.

How to start a blog lifestyle finance travel fashion food blogger fitness health beauty beginners easy tutorial Best Theme For Blogs Creative Marketplace Themes J'adore SEO

Their themes also come in various layout and widths along with all the other features including Woocommerce ready.

How to start a blog lifestyle finance travel fashion food blogger fitness health beauty beginners easy tutorial Best Theme For Blogs Creative Marketplace Themes J'adore SEO

Find out here to see their various gorgeous and sleek theme designs.


Step 4: Mailing List – Grow Your Audience With A Mailing List From Day One

Grow your mailing list with Converkit and Aweber from day one when you start blogging.  This is just as important as starting your blog or writing and publishing blog posts consistently.

When I first started my websites, I made a mistake of not implementing my own mailing list in order to grow my audience. 

In fact, I only started implementing mailing lists in 2019.  Because I didn’t really care about how important it is to have a  community that you can directly publish your important blog posts or any promotion you might have to.

Below are some of the mailing list providers I have personally used for my blogs, and they helped me grow my mailing list tremendously.

4.1. Convertkit

Convertkit is one of my favorite email providers which I’ve been implementing in most of my blogs.

Convertkit is an automation email provider that helps you grow your mailing list and email marketing tools.

Customizable Opt-in Forms

They offer customizable opt-in forms that are easy to embed to your pages, and blog posts to help you turn your casual readers into repeat audience and potential and potential customers for when you finally start selling your own products.

Reporting System

Their reporting system is also easy to keep track of your growth through your homepage dashboard which displays subscriber data and opt-in.

Keep track of your growth with a quick look at your homepage dashboard that displays subscriber data and opt-in conversions.


You can easily create rules and styles for your automation workflows.


They offer a seamless drag-and-drop sequence builder as well in order to help you create and personalized automated emails for a particular audience.  This allows you to focus on your content while scaling your blog and business.

Organize Your Subscribers

ConvertKit can also help you organize your subscribers from different lists with tags and segments.


You can easily send one-off or multiples broadcasts when you have time-sensitive content and integrate your RSS feed so you can feed to send your weekly blog posts.

Overall, they have the best support, integration, migration, and many other features that are worth implementing for your blog.

Find out more features here.

4.2. Aweber

Aweber is another fantastic email marketing and automation platform that I have been using on my other blogs, too.

Their email marketing platform is built and designed for all types of content creators, bloggers, small or big business owners, and entrepreneurs.

You can easily access their seamless automation tools to launch your automated email sequences, tag, and segment for different audiences or subscribers based on their interests, behavior, and on the topics, you create on your blog.

You can easily send remarkable one-time or multiple blog post notifications or promotional emails and newsletters.  And easily track your audience’s behavior and your success.

They also offer lots of features here with amazing live support by phone or via chat.  They also offer lots of resources and tutorials.

Find out here for more information and features


Step 5: Install WordPress Plugins

A plugin is basically software that contains various functions that you can add to your blog or website.

Any plugin works by providing additional features, and functionality necessary for your blog or websites.

There are quite a few plugins that are vital in order for my blogs to function completely, however, every blog is different.

It’s important to install the necessary plugins for your blogs, and these plugins are listed below.

5.1. Yoast

Yoast plugin is highly recommended, and it’s my favorite plugin. You must install Yoast in order to increase your SEO and search engine ranking.

Yoast is a perfect plugin to help you structure your blog post as it has so many features related to SEO.

5.2. Jetpack

Jetpack is an all in one plugin and an ultimate toolkit for WordPress. Jetpack is also my favorite plugin. I have this plugin installed on all of my websites.

They offer so many features and products, including SEO, traffic stats, security alert, and many more.

5.3. Vaultpress

Vaultpress is another plugin that I have been using to backup and secure my sites automatically.

It’s WordPress’s most powerful backups and security for all websites. They can also protect your blogs from any malware, hackers, viruses, host failures, user errors, and exploits.

5.4. Woocommerce

Woocommerce is another fantastic open-source and highly customizable eCommerce platform that enables you to sell your products through your website.

Woocommerce is compatible with all WordPress themes, however, I highly suggest that you install a theme (suggested in Step 3) that are designed and compatible with Woocommerce


Did You Learn A Lot On How To Start A Blog (Website)?

I hope that you’ve learned a lot from this easy tutorial on how to start a blog. If you’ve come to this far, congratulations on your new blog.

Just remember not to overthink, and don’t wait around for too long. Overthinking can lead you to procrastination.

The key is to start taking action as you learn. Learn throughout your journey, and allow yourself to make mistakes. You will only learn so much more from your mistakes. It’s part of creating and starting a new blog just like with anything we do in life.

You would be surprised by the number of mistakes I have made when I first started my first few websites. I didn’t give up, but I carried on until I finally got the right momentum.

How did you find starting a new blog? Did you find it too complicated?

Please don’t hesitate to write your questions in the comment section below. I’m happy to help you out if you have any questions.

Also, don’t forget to sign up for my mailing list to win a blog theme in the future, and so you’ll also get to learn more tips, tricks, and easy tutorials about blogging.

Happy Blogging!


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